Learn the benefits of detox baths for up leveling your health. Whether you do them daily or occasionally, they are a great way to support your body’s natural detox process on the GAPS Diet.
We live in a very contaminated world. Pesticides, antibiotics, and other manmade toxins can be found in the food we eat, the water we drink, and the products we use. All of this exposure has a massive impact on our health. For this reason, detoxification is an essential part of the GAPS Diet.
What are Detox Baths?
They are exactly as they sound, baths are drawn with the intended purpose of supporting the body to gently eliminate toxins through the skin and reduce inflammation (source).
They are one of the simplest ways to support the body’s natural detoxification process and have been used throughout history by many different people including the Ancient Egyptian, Greeks, Romans, and Japanese (source).
Benefits of detox baths for up leveling your health
- Elimination of toxins
- Improved skin health
- Immune Support
- Enhanced circulation and blood flow –
- Stress relief and relaxation – The soothing nature of baths can assist with reducing stress and promote mental wellbeing
How do detox baths work?
Detox baths work by utilizing warm water to open pores and increase circulation, adding ingredients such as Epsom salts provide the body with useful trace minerals that are absorbed through the skin, such as magnesium and sulfate which are crucial to many important bodily functions. And the promotion of sweating to expel toxins through the skin.
Detox baths have been a game changer in my healing journey, even long before I started the GAPS diet. They are regularly a part of my self care routine, I find them to be both relaxing and energizing at the same time.
Are detox baths a part of your self care routine?
Detox Baths for up leveling your health while on the GAPS Diet
As you remove foods, introduce new foods, and make changes to the environment around you, you may experience die-off reactions such as fatigue and headaches when toxins leave your body. This is why detox baths are an essential tool to support detoxification on the GAPS diet and Dr Natasha recommends them daily to help take the load off your liver, relax you, and set you up for a good night’s sleep (Gut and Physiology Syndrome p353).
No Bath Tub, Try a Foot Soak Instead!
If you don’t have a bath or are time-poor, try a foot soak instead, your feet have the largest pores on the body. You’ll want to avoid using plastic buckets where possible as they may leech toxins into the water; try a metal basin or recycle a stock pot for foot soaks.
Foot soaks are a great option as they use less water and can be done anywhere hot water is available (even on holidays).
How to prepare a detox back to meet your individual needs
When preparing a detox bath for upleveling your health there are a few important factors to consider to ensure a safe and effective experience.
- Ingredient Concentration – The product-to-water ratio, start with a tablespoon and build up. And it’s best not to combine products.
- Water Temperature – The hotter the water the quicker the detox, so you will want to start with warm water and work your way up to the hottest you can handle. I find that I can use hotter water for a foot soak compared to a bath.
- Duration of Soak – Adjust your duration in the water as you progress with your detox baths. Starting at 10 minutes and working your way up to whatever time you have available. The longer you stay in the water the more powerful the detox is going to be.
Dizziness, headache, nausea and generally feeling bad when you get out of the bath means you detoxed too quickly, lower the concentration and/or the water temperature. Watch the effect the bath has on your body and adjust to what your body needs.
Detox Baths Support Die-off Symptoms
As you make changes to the food you eat you may experience a range of die-off symptoms, detox baths are especially helpful during periods of die-off. Dr Natahsa recommends having baths daily (Gut and Physiology Syndrome p353).
If you are experiencing die-off symptoms (see below) it may be a sign that you need to increase both frequency and make adjustments to the food you are consuming.
- Tiredness, irritability, mood swings
- Bloating, gas, constipation, bad breath
- Aches and pains
- Skin problems; acne, eczema, rashes
- Food cravings, especially sugar and salt
- Poor concentration, foggy mind
- Headaches, migraines
- Difficulties sleeping, waking up really tired
Handy tip: Start tracking your symptoms that way you can look for any pattern that may occur, this was definitely the case for me. Over time you will start to learn how to read your body’s signals.
Types of detox baths
There are many different types of detox baths for up leveling your health, each type offers unique benefits and can be selected depending on your individual needs. Use high-quality, food-grade ingredients whenever possible to avoid contaminants and maximize the health benefits.
- Epsom Salts (magnesium sulfate) – relaxing and promotes a good night’s sleep
- Apple Cider Vinegar – great for skin conditionsSeaweed Powder – Supports thyroid health and is good for skin conditionsNatural/ Sea Salt – high in mineralsBicarb Soda (sodium bicarbonate) – Soothing to skin and antibacterial
- Bentonite Clay – Lymphatic function and skin hydration
How to Prepare a Detox Bath
Preparing a detox bath for up leveling your health is super simple!
1/4 cup food-grade Epsom salts (1 tbsp for kids)
- Fill your bathtub with warm water.
- Add Epsom salts to the bath water and stir to dissolve.
- Soak for 10 minutes to 1 hour.
- Repeat daily for best results or 2-4 times per week for maintenance.
FAQs for detox Baths for up leveling your health
Do I need to filter the bath water?
Yes, it’s really important to filter your water. As you are spending time and money rebuilding your health. Don’t bathe it away! Most city water contains chlorine, fluoride, and other harmful chemicals; and bathing in them can have a negative impact on your body as warm water opens up your pores, allowing chlorine to penetrate your skin. The steam you inhale in a hot bath also contains chlorine vapor that can be absorbed directly into your bloodstream.
What to do? Filter out those chemicals! Use a bath ball filter that hangs on the tap or consider whole-house filtration system.
How to Introduce Detox Baths into your self care routine?
You’ll want to start slow and work your way up in water temperature and the amount of product you add to minimize any negative reaction from the bath. For some, they may need to start at 1 tablespoon of product for others 1 cup.
How to Stay Hydrated while taking a Detox Bath?
The warmer the water temperature the more likely you are to sweat. Sweating itself is great for detoxing but can often leave us depleted in essential minerals called electrolytes. Sip on water during your bath or rehydrate shortly after.
How often should I have a Detox Bath?
Dr Natasha recommends daily detox baths when starting the GAPS diet or anytime you are experiencing symptoms that indicate your body needs more detox support. I aim for a bath or foot soak 2-3 times per week.
Do you rinse off after a detox bath?
This is a personal choice, so do what feels right for you. Some bath ingredients are messier than others and the water temperature may make you sweat.
What’s your favorite type of detox bath? Leave a comment below.
Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride
- Gut and Psychology Syndrome (Yellow Book)
- Gut and Physiology Syndrome (Blue Book)
Epsom Salt Bath
Detox baths are a great way to up level your health. Whether you do them daily or occasionally
they are a great way to support your body’s natural detox process on the GAPS
- 1/4 cup food grade Epsom salts (1 tbsp for kids)
1.Fill your bathtub with warm water.
2.Add Epsom salts to the bath water and stir to dissolve.
3.Soak for 10 minutes to 1 hour.
4.Repeat daily for best results or 2-4 times per week for maintenance.
- Filtered water is best.
- No Bath Tub, Try a Foot Soak Instead!
- Ingredient Concentration – The product to water ratio, start with a tablespoon and build up. And its’s best not to combine products.
- Water Temperature – The hotter the water the quicker the detox, so you will want to start with warm water and work your way up to the hottest you can handle. I find that I can use hotter water for a foot soak compared to a bath.
- Duration of Soak - Adjust your duration in the water as you progress with your detox baths. Starting at 10 minutes and working your way up to whatever time you have available. The longer you stay in the water the more powerful the detox is going to be.
GAPS and Gut and Psychology Syndrome™ are the trademark and copyright of Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride.
The information in this blog post is my personal experience and for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease; and does not consider your individual situation. If you have medical questions, please consult with a qualified medical practitioner.
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