GAPS Shakes are a simple but powerful cleansing tool to support your digestive and detox systems. Great for those who want an easy meal or snack on the go pack full of nutrients.
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What is a GAPS Shake?
A GAPS Milkshake aka ‘GAPS Shake’ is fresh pressed juice, no pulp, mixed with a fat such as sour cream, yogurt or coconut oil and one to two pasture raised eggs all blended together.
The combination of juice, protein and fat provides a balanced meal or snack. It is easily digested, usually in about 20 minutes, and is great for when you don’t have much time to sit and digest.
Juices are easy for the body to digest and provide an efficient way for the body to absorb vitamins and nutrients, micronutrients, antioxidants, and properties that support the liver to detoxify.
Fat helps slow the absorption of the carbohydrates and balance blood sugars.
Eggs provide protein and essential vitamins such as Vitamin A, D, E, folate, zinc, calcium, and B vitamins (source).
Choose organic fruits and vegetables such as celery, carrots, cucumber, leafy greens, apples, pineapple; and max 5% beetroot as it’s a really powerful cleanser that can make you feel unwell. Start with a very small about of beetroot and gradually build up overtime.
Dr Natasha recommends a combination of carrot, celery, apple, beetroot and cabbage.
My favourite juice combination is 50% celery, 1 cucumber, 1 green apple, with 1-2 whole pasture raised eggs and 4 tablespoons of home cultured cream or yogurt.
My husband’s favourite combination is 70% carrot and 30% celery with 1-2 whole pasture raised eggs and 2-4 tablespoons of home cultured cream or yogurt or coconut oil.
Get creative as the combinations are endless:
- Green apple, celery, pineapple and coconut oil
- Celery, green apples, mint and lime
- Celery, carrot, mint, and beetroot
If you can’t tolerate cultured diary, substitute with coconut oil.
If you haven’t introduced whole eggs yet, just add the yolk.
Why consume GAPS Shakes?
Your liver is a major detoxification organ; it handles toxins from the gut and toxins brought in by the rest of the body, destroying them and recycling them (source).
When toxins can’t be destroyed by the liver, they are unloaded into the bile produced by the liver to transport the toxins into the digestive system to help us digest fats. Without a well-functioning bile flow we can develop deficiencies in fat-soluble vitamins A, D, K and E and essential fatty acids (omega 3, 6, 7, 9). When deficiency develops the body cannot function well and cell regeneration is impaired which in turn impacts the immune system.
To make the digestive system healthy again and the body’s detox system function properly we must we heal leaky gut and restore the beneficial bacteria (source).
GAPS Shakes help to lubricate the bowel through increased bile flow, remove gallstones and restore fat digestion. When cultured cream or yogurt is added you will also get the benefit of probiotics too.
What happens when we cannot digest fats well?
Many GAPS people find it difficult to digest fats and may feel nauseous or like vomiting when they try to consume more fat than their gallbladder can process. This is the body’s way of telling you to support the gallbladder.
Dr. Natasha says “Fat in stools means that not enough bile is being released from the gallbladder to emulsify fats. The most common reason in GAPS patients is gallstones. A gallstone is a clump of infection or a fragment of a worm, coated by bile: this is a defence reaction the liver has, when pathogens get into the bile ducts” (source).
Slowly introducing GAPS Shakes can aid with the breakdown of gallstones especially the malic acid found in green apples.
Why juice not blending?
So, you may be thinking why juice and not a smoothie. Juicing removes the fibrous pulp that irritate or damage the gut and interfere with the body’s healing process (source).
When to introduce GAPS Shakes?
Dr Natasha recommends introducing carrot juice in stage 4 mixed with water; until the juice is tolerated straight. Once juice is tolerated you can start introducing GAPS shakes by adding eggs and fat.
NOTE: If you experience constipation you may wish to introduce carrot juice and GAPS shakes earlier from stage 2 to aid with increased bile flow and lubrication of the digestive system and softening of the stools.
In stage 5, you can start adding fruits such as apples, pineapple, and mango; and herb like mint.
In stage 6, you can start adding citrus (lemon, lime, orange).
Tools you may need
- Juicer
- Immersion blender
- Wide mouth mason jar
- Measuring spoons
- Freshly pressed juice
- 4-5 tbsp sour cream, cultured cream, yogurt or coconut oil
- 1-2 raw pasture raised eggs (whole or just the yolk)
How to make a GAPS Shake
Step 1: In a 1-quart mason, add your eggs and fat of choice.
Step 2: Juice your chosen vegetables and/or fruits and add to mason jar.
Step 3: Blend with your immersion blend (you can also mix in a blender).
How and when to consume a GAPS Shake?
Consume the GAPS shake as soon as possible or within 30 minutes to obtain the most nutritional value; by chewing each mouthful to activate the digestive system, stating with saliva in your mouth.
To get maximum therapeutic benefits from your GAPS Shake consume on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning or mid-afternoon at least 2 hours away from other food.
As with all GAPS foods, Dr Natasha recommends introducing the shakes slowly starting with 1-2 tablespoon and working your way up to 2 glasses per day (source p80).
What to do with the left-over pulp?
- Add to soups to thicken
- Add to baked goods: cakes, breads or muffins
- Add to burgers, fritters or frittatas
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Celery Cucumber Apple GAPS Shake
GAPS Shakes are a simple but powerful cleansing tool to support your digestive and detox systems. Great for those who want an easy meal or snack on the go pack full of nutrients.
- Small bunch of celery
- 1 cucumber
- 1green apple
- 4-5 tbsp cultured cream
- 2 raw pasture raised eggs (whole or just the yolk)
- In a 1-quart mason, add your eggs and cultured cream.
- Juice the celery, cucumber and apple, and add to mason jar.
- Blend with your immersion blend (you can also mix in a blender).
- Consume within 30 minutes.
- Dr Natasha recommends introducing the shakes slowly starting with 1-2 tablespoon and working your way up to 2 glasses per day.
- If you can’t tolerate cultured diary, substitute with coconut oil.
- If you haven’t introduced whole eggs yet, just add the yolk.
GAPS and Gut and Psychology Syndrome™ are the trademark and copyright of Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride.
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